Events & resources for good.

Kit Watson, Co-Founder

Kit Watson, Co-Founder SunnySunday


Co-Founder SunnySunday


Kit grew up with the Waitakere Ranges as her backyard and in a family with community values, a vege patch, compost systems and free-range chickens. She remembers fondly her membership to Kiwi Conservation Kids and attending their events with her grandparents. Nature walks are also a favourite!

Kit was destined to be a nature-loving, eco-lifestylist. But it was during her two-year stint living on Great Barrier Island where she learnt the real satisfaction that comes with living more self-sufficiently and a love of gardening developed during this time too.

What wasn’t so obvious is that Kit would go on to study a Bachelor of Business Studies majoring in Marketing Communication. Kit has now spent over 12 years working in management roles, where she has travelled and been recognised globally for her ideas and initiatives. Sustainable business really gets her going!

SunnySunday was thought up by Kit in 2017, on a flight home to New Zealand from an international work-trip, she watched a documentary called Blue The Film. “The story our generation need to hear” about the effects human consumption are having on our oceans and sea-life. Jet-lagged from the trip, saddened by the film and walking along a local beach on a Sunny Sunday, Kit began to observe more than ever the large amount of plastic waste in what most of us consider our clean, green New Zealand. Knowing that animals are losing their homes and mistaking plastic for food, Kit knew she didn’t want to sit back and be part of the destruction of the beautiful ocean and sea-life we love.

The SunnySunday concept arose - regular, community events that offered people the opportunity to do something good towards protecting our planet with their spare Sundays.

The idea lingered and expanded. Then in 2019, Kit was introduced to Denise. Very quickly after meeting Denise, Kit discovered they shared the same values around community, environment, lifestyle choices and health and well-being. They were both looking for ways to give back, do good and meet more like-minded people. Kit introduced Denise to the SunnySunday concept.

Different backgrounds, a German engineer and a kiwi business woman, but the same values and interests, Denise & Kit set-off to launch SunnySunday on Sunday 1 September 2019.